Great Fun for a Good Cause
The ETE first started as a get fit challenge between a group of friends … “I’ll bet you can’t walk Bermuda from end to end!” Steadily, more people decided to join the fun and the event was formalised in our charity “fun raiser” which attracts thousands of people every year to walk, ride or swim across Bermuda, while raising money for local charities. In addition, thousands of people line the route of the walk to encourage our participants, creating the social buzz that makes the ETE so special.
38 Years of Fun Raising
The ETE Charitable Trust is a registered charity (#558) whose efforts are coordinated by a volunteer committee. All pledges raised by our participants are distributed amongst that year’s selected charities. Event costs are funded through corporate sponsorship and participants’ entry fees. The ETE and its participants have raised more than $7 million distributed in grants to 226 local charities since 1988. See our previous charity donations (pdf).
The ETE Charitable Trust was one of the first charities to be certified by the Bermuda National Standards Committee in 2011 against international standards for charity good governance. In 2018, 2019 and 2020 The ETE was awarded funding in the Beacon Awards Scheme from the BNSC organization for stellar organization. See our audited financial statements.
Pictured Above: 2025 sponsors, charities and board members at the February kick-off reception.
Our Organisers: Our Event is Managed by Our Board of Trustees with the Assistance of Select Sites Group
Our Organising Board Includes: Christen Styche (Chair), Chris Burns, Jennifer Haworth, Nathan Moore, Tammy Richardson, Richard Simon, Stephen Warren, Morgan Simons, Nathan Frick, Theresa Hall (Charity Liaison) and Shea-Tai Smith.
Ex Officio Members: Starla Williams (Select Sites Group) and Gabriella Carboneri (Recording Secretary)
The ETE requires a substantial commitment from our hundreds of volunteers. We thank our “retirees” from previous End-to-Ends:
Founders & Friends: Jon Borrill, Paul Rowlerson, Clive Cotton and Eugene Carmichael