Our 2025 Charities!
The focus of the End-to-End remains steadfast on addressing the pressing needs of the Bermuda community. The proceeds generated from the 2025 End-to-End event will be dedicated to funding non-sectarian charitable programs in Bermuda, as well as supporting operational expenses that contribute to the preservation and improvement of the Bermuda Railway Trail, the Bermuda community and families.
2025 Grant Recipients:
Age Concern, Bermuda Audubon Society, Bermuda Red Cross, Duke of Edinburgh and The Reading Clinic.
Age Concern (ACB Hardship Support Programme)
ACB provides short-term financial support for qualifying older adults aged 50 years and older. Support is provided for food, prescriptions, utilities, housing and caregivers or home safety support.
Bermuda Audubon Society (Conservation Management Plan for High Point)
The Bermuda Audubon Society and Bermuda National Trust’s Conservation Management Plan for High Point Nature Reserve includes walking trails, a fruit forest with local fruits, a pollinator garden, invasive species management, and sheep grazing to preserve agricultural heritage.
Bermuda Red Cross (Equipment Rental Revitalization Project)
The revitalization includes updating facilities and equipment to better serve clients requiring medical aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds and baby equipment like car seats and cribs. These improvements ensure that the equipment is safe, clean, and readily available for those in need.
Duke of Edinburgh (Youth Achievement Award)
The Youth Achievement Award encourages young people aged 14-25 to set and achieve personal goals in areas such as skill development, community service, physical activity, and outdoor exploration. Participants can earn Bronze, Silver, or Gold awards, building confidence, leadership, and life skills along the way.
The Reading Clinic (Core Reading Programme)
The Core Reading Programme uses a multisensory, structured, phonetic approach for teaching reading and spelling. This type of method has been shown to be effective in helping children to overcome dyslexia. Each student receives one-on-one tutoring 3-4 times per week. Financial assistance to families who cannot afford the full fees.